The CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk disclosed quite recently that scaling up the production of batteries is a major challenge. And he added that this challenge would be extremely difficult and very fundamental. Further, he explained that their goal is to supply adequate cars for the advancing market and also to lower the cost of these batteries per kilowatt as well.
Furthermore, Musk also confirms that the scenarios are not totally gloom or doom. And he signalled that the much-awaited Battery Day might be around April this year. To this, the company is all set for explaining the latest advancement concerning batteries. Mush added that it would also outline a compelling story regarding the advancement of the company that would blow the minds and he is totally sure about it!
In fact, this advancement for batteries is critical for Tesla. So far, the company gained name and fame for producing cars that are powered completely from Li-ion batteries where the energy gets stored.
While Tesla is successful in developing both capabilities and expertise when it comes to batteries that enable the company to offer cars having a range of hundreds of miles. However, a few of the batteries of Tesla measure up to a hundred kilowatt-hours. Besides, towards the beginning of 2016, the company used to pay approximately $190/ kilowatt-hour for its batteries.
1 million Tesla cars hitting the roads at present

Moreover, the demand for Tesla cars has soared high since the advent of the Model 3 sedan of Tesla in July 2017. As a result, a huge number of Tesla cars around 250,000 hit the road around mid-2017. Surprisingly or rather interestingly, this number has increased to about 1 million at present. Hence, Tesla would definitely need a lot of batteries that are cheap as well.
However, this dependency has garnered problems in the past, especially, when Tesla did not use batteries for its cars. To this, Musk explained previously in the month of March 2019 about ramping up the Model 3’s production left very few resources to power the Powerwall home battery.
As the fundamental message seems to be clear and that is Tesla is in need of more batteries to power its cars. It can be high-density batteries, some other advanced breakthrough, or anything, but the company needs it really fast.