This Week in Cyberlaw, 1/7/07 Letter from IT Personnel at Purdue University: No Upgrades to Vista, Office 2007, or even IE7 Get an Emmy for Your MySpace Videos, MySpace Offering Scholarships

Tech News Web 2.0 and the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences are announcing today that amateur video makers (anyone using MySpace) can submit their videos to a MySpace Emmy page, where videos will be entered for a “Broadband Emmy.” The academy started giving out the “Broadband Emmy” last year, though this year’s partnership with MySpace could attract a whole new group of filmmakers.

The partnership will include around 100 “scholarships,” each valued around $300 (mostly a way to cover entry fees for the award). Winners will be determined by a combination of user ratings from the MySpace community and subjective judging.

Apparently MySpace has over 50,000 self-proclaimed filmmakers out of its 80 million users, so we’re bound to see something Emmy worthy, right? You decide, I guess, by voting (though who knows how much your vote weighs in against the “subjective judging”).

“This is the liberation of creative talent to get distribution and then recognition from experts in the business,” says Peter Price, president and chief executive officer of the academy.

Whatever it is, MySpace can use all the help it can get to make it more appealing…

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